Yampa River Augmentation Plan
The Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District obtained umbrella augmentation plans that cover areas along both the Yampa River and the Elk River. Our Augmentation plans can provide water for some out of priority uses for properties that lie within the augmentation boundary. Typical uses covered by augmentation plans may include well ponds, lawn irrigation, vegetable gardens and livestock watering in over-appropriated areas.
How do I know if I need an augmentation contract?
If you are attempting to change the uses of your existing well permit or obtain a new well permit, you may be required to augment your well water. Contact the Colorado Division of Water Resources (https://dwr.colorado.gov/) to confirm if you need to secure an augmentation contract for the uses on your well permit.
How do I apply for an augmentation contract?
- Verify that your property is within the augmentation boundary.
- Enter your property address in the search box located in the map
- If your property is in any of highlighted areas, you are within the District’s augmentation boundary
- Complete the augmentation questionnaire to determine the type and size of contract you will require.
- Submit the completed questionnaire to UYWCD@upperyampawater.com and request an augmentation application.